What's it like when you can't visualize things?

People with aphantasia can't imagine or picture things in their mind's eye, and they experience the…

What is thundersnow?

Hearing thunder during a snowstorm is uncommon. Here's what to expect if you witness the rare…

What is synesthesia and what's it like to have it?

Synesthetes can taste sounds, smell colors or see scents, and research proves these people experience reality…

Meet the pangolin, an adorable endangered creature

All 8 species of pangolin are in decline due to illegal trade, but conservationists hope to…

Doggy blood donors save lives

Canine blood banks provide a life-saving resource to man's best friend, but there has been controversy…

What your cat's tail can tell you

Paying attention to a cat's tail language can give you insight into its mood and clue…

You can change your personality in 10 weeks

Research reveals you can change facets of your personality if you're motivated and committed.

What is ASMR (and why does it feel so good?)

Experiencing a pleasant tingle when someone crinkles paper isn't as weird as you think. It's called…

Take a walk through Atlanta's Doll's Head Trail

Constitution Lakes Nature Preserve is home to a unique art walk dotted with visitor-made pieces constructed…

Pop music loses its appeal when we turn 33

The research sheds new light on how our musical tastes change as we age and why.