Inside the Redemption Arc of a Tiny, Controversial Fish – CNET

The snail darter has been on the endangered species list since 1975. This week, it was…

World’s Whitest Paint Is Now Thin Enough to Coat Your Car – CNET

Ultra-white paint means an ultra-reflective shield. And that means lower air conditioning bills and a safer…

Why the Death of India’s Groundbreaking Mars Orbiter Is a Big Deal – CNET

The Indian Space Research Organization says its Mangalyaan spacecraft has run out of fuel and is…

NASA Hubble Spots Protective Shield Defending 2 Small Galaxies – CNET

We may finally know how the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are mysteriously making stars.

Scientists May Have Discovered Remnants of the Universe’s First Stars – CNET

An ancient, stellar fingerprint may help decode the origins of life as we know it.

Scientists Say We Could Feed 1 Billion More People With One Change to the Global Food System – CNET

Changing the global food system would require a paradigm shift, but it's possible.

See the First Eerie NASA Images of DART’s Asteroid Crash Site – CNET

The spacecraft's satellite companion delivers a close-range look at the impact's aftermath.

This Wireless Camera Taps Into Sound Waves to Reveal Deep-Sea Secrets – CNET

MIT scientists want to map the entire ocean so we can understand how climate change is…

Stunning NASA James Webb Telescope Image Reveals Neptune’s Delicate Rings – CNET

The trailblazing machine delivers once again, offering us the best view of Neptune since 1989.

20 Quadrillion Ants Inhabit Earth, Scientists Estimate – CNET

The ants go marching one by one, but fortunately, counting is a little easier than that.