An Imbalance Among Tiny Particles Offers a Big Cosmology Clue

If matter and antimatter cancel each other out, how can the universe exist? A discrepancy in…

Physicists Chip Away at a Mystery: Why Does Glass Exist?

For decades, scientists have hoped to find or create ‘ideal glass,’ a perfect specimen that would…

Science Has a New Way to Gauge the Universe’s Expansion Rate

Cosmologists want to know how fast the universe is growing, but their data doesn't match predictions.…

Does Dark Energy Really Exist? Cosmologists Battle It Out

A study challenged the evidence for this mysterious force, despite its wide acceptance as part of…

Cosmic Triangles Open a Window to the Origin of Time

Physicists have found a new way to conceive of time as an emergent dimension, a kind…

Physicists Finally Nail the Proton’s Size, and Hope Dies

A new measurement seems to eliminate an anomaly that has captivated physicists for nearly a decade.

Fractal Patterns Offer Clues to the Universe’s Origin

A new look at a ubiquitous phenomenon has uncovered unexpected fractal behavior that could help explain…

A ‘Sonic Black Hole’ Could Help Solve a Cosmic Paradox

If a sound-trapping fluid on Earth really does behave like a black hole, its behavior could…

Cosmologists Clash Over the Beginning of the Universe

What happened before the Big Bang? And what happened before that? Stephen Hawking's answer—there was no…

The Math of How Crickets, Starlings, and Neurons Sync Up

Scientists have discovered new patterns that help explain the synchronized behaviors of pendulum clocks, fireflies, and…