A-Rod Gifts Jennifer Lopez a New Porsche for Her 50th Birthday

Jennifer Lopez is driving into her 50th year of life in style -- all thanks to…

SEAL team ordered home from ISIS fight due to alleged misbehavior

The US military is taking the rare step of sending home an elite team of Navy…

Galaxy Fold: Samsung will relaunch its foldable phone in September – CNET

After delaying the phone for 89 days, Samsung says it's finally overcome its screen issues.

Congressman calls election security testimony ‘hair-raising’

Rep. Eric Swalwell said he found former special counsel Robert Mueller's comments Wednesday about election security…

SpaceX Starhopper test: Elon Musk’s Starship prototype aborts launch – CNET

Hop, hop... nope.

Cooper debunks Trump’s false claims after Mueller hearing

CNN's Anderson Cooper fact-checks President Donald Trump's false claims about former special counsel Robert Mueller after…

Samsung readies Galaxy Fold for September launch

When it was unveiled on stage, the Galaxy Fold was heralded as the next big thing.…

Robert Mueller’s Work Is Done. Now It’s Congress’s Turn

In nearly six hours of testimony Wednesday, former special counsel Robert Mueller stuck to the facts.

Tesla Delivers More Cars—and More Losses

The electric vehicle maker said it set a record for deliveries, which more than doubled from…

SpaceX untethered StarHopper ‘hop’ test flight aborted after engines briefly flare

SpaceX encountered a snag in an attempted test key to the development of its next-generation Starship…