Sean Spicer Launches a ‘Campaign’ to Win ‘DWTS’ After Low Scores From the Judges

The former White House Communications Director is trying to take matters into his own hands. [[…

The Batman: These 5 actors would be perfect villains for Robert Pattinson – CNET

Commentary: Current rumors have Colin Farrell in the villain role for The Batman, but I have…

Opinion: Greta Thunberg’s unforgettable message

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish activist, just reminded us all what exactly is at stake with…

Fox News interview leaves Cooper baffled

CNN's Anderson Cooper points out the irony of White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham's latest comments…

Fact check: What Trump has been getting wrong on Biden and Ukraine

President Donald Trump is facing intense criticism over a July phone call during which, according to…

LEADING OFF: Yost begins final homestand with Royals

LEADING OFF: Ned Yost begins final homestand as Kansas City Royals manager

Alexi Lalas: Christian Pulisic is like a young Luke Skywalker

Alexi Lalas breaks down Christian Pulisic’s early struggles at Chelsea and his future potential on the…

These simple fixes could boost voter turnout in a major way

Most Americans say that high turnout in presidential elections is very important. Yet, on average, only…

Retired Lt. Colonel: Trump’s statement shames us all

Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters reacts to President Trump calling former Vice President Joe Biden and…

Agholor invites hero who criticized him to a game

Philadelphia Eagles receiver Nelson Agholor has invited a man who rescued children from a burning house…