Where Do Hippos Wander? An Aquatic Mystery, Solved

Hippos need water to survive, and water is disappearing, leading to growing social unrest among the…

US official reportedly says licences allowing sales to Huawei will come ‘shortly’ – CNET

The government has apparently received 260 requests for licenses.

Priyanka Chopra wears mask on set as Delhi chokes in record smog

Actress Priyanka Chopra has posted a picture of herself wearing a mask while filming in New…

Priyanka Chopra wears mask on set as Delhi chokes in record smog

Actress Priyanka Chopra has posted a picture of herself wearing a mask while filming in New…

How to Monetize Your Facebook Video With Facebook Ad Breaks

Do you create video content for Facebook? Wondering how to allow others to advertise during your…

Police department won’t display a handmade American flag with a blue line

A Maryland police department is stuck in the middle of a heated debate between a local…

Under Armour says US investigators are probing its accounting practices

Under Armour's accounting practices are under investigation in the United States, heaping pressure on the struggling…

Which club will push the panic button marked ‘Mourinho’ next?

Jose Mourinho's managerial reputation has taken a hit, which means he might not be considered by…

In one of the transcripts, an ex-State Department official says he resigned over what he saw as the use of ambassadors to advance political objectives

Chelsea gets Nov 20 court date for FIFA transfer ban appeal

Chelsea gets Nov 20 court date for FIFA transfer ban appeal