Behold the best of the 2019 National Beard and Moustache Championships – CNET

Deciding on winners had to be a close shave.

Marvel at the National Beard and Moustache Championship competitors – CNET

This is a big hairy deal.

82-year-old female bodybuilder fights off intruder

Willie Murphy, an 82-year-old bodybuilder in Rochester, New York, recounts what happened when a man tried…

Analysis: GOP senator just completely denied the reality of 2016 election meddling

Louisiana Republican Sen. John Kennedy was asked a simple question by Fox News' Chris Wallace on…

Firefighters rescue adorable sleepy seal pup

Firefighters from the Redwood City Fire Department rescued an exhausted baby seal, named Santos, from the…

Carl Icahn wants to fire oil giant’s entire board of directors

Carl Icahn is escalating his war with Occidental Petroleum.

Falcons’ loss leaves 2-game win streak looking like old news

Falcons’ loss to Tampa Bay leaves modest 2-game winning streak looking like old news

Musician shocked to find $10,000 check in her tips

A musician performing at a Nashville hotel found a check in her tips worth $10,000.

Young seal found in a California parking deck is taking a well-deserved rest

A northern fur seal cub was found in a California parking deck, separated from its mother.

College basketball player in Georgia charged with ******

College basketball player in Georgia charged with ******