NASA satellite spots a mysterious green light that quickly disappeared – CNET

A green space blob flashed into existence and then... it was gone.

Nation’s first all-digital nuclear reactor dedicated at Purdue – CNET

All US reactors worked using analog technology before the digital conversion.

Hulu’s updated Live TV Guide available now on Apple TV, Roku and web – CNET

See what's coming up and record programming in advance.

Elon Musk says AI will make jobs irrelevant – CNET

Get a job writing AI software, he recommends. Until AI takes that over, too.

Whole Foods CEO says plant-based ‘meat’ is unhealthy – CNET

It may be good for the environment, he told CNBC, but maybe not for our bodies.

NASA chief insists Pluto is still a planet – CNET

Some fans of the demoted dwarf planet just can't let go.

Candy Crush Friends Saga gets AR on Samsung Galaxy phones – CNET

K-pop stars Lisa and Jisoo of Blackpink checked out the feature in a video.

Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council members reportedly feel ignored – CNET

Advisers aren't told about the company's policy or product changes in advance, according to a Wired…

Qualcomm can keep current business practices for now, appeals court says – CNET

While its appeal of an antitrust ruling wends through the courts, the chipmaker doesn't need to…

Google salutes Wizard of Oz with a ruby slipper Easter egg – CNET

Tap your heels together three times to step back in time.