The global treaty to save the ozone layer has also slowed Arctic ice melt

That's because chemicals banned under the 1987 Montreal Protocol are also potent greenhouse gases.

A new law in Colorado will prevent utilities from charging customers for lobbying

Ratepayers will no longer have to foot the bill for utilities' political activities.

US support for nuclear power soars to highest level in a decade

As the country looks to decarbonize, nuclear’s popularity continues to climb.

After a four-year campaign, New York says yes to publicly owned renewables

The state has set ambitious climate targets. Now it'll build the clean energy it needs to…

The GOP donors behind a growing misinformation campaign to stop offshore wind

Fossil fuel-backed groups say offshore wind hurts whales. But some Republicans still embrace the industry's economic…

1 in 3 Americans breathe unhealthy air, new report says

The American Lung Association finds that U.S. air quality is improving, but wildfires, drought, and inequality…

Biden administration releases road map to scale up nuclear, hydrogen, and energy storage

The reports address key challenges and potential solutions for getting these clean energy technologies off the…

US renewable power surged ahead of coal for the first time last year

Experts say the trend still isn’t fast enough to stop the worst impacts of climate change.

What is ESG, the investment strategy under attack by Republicans?

ESG is called “woke capitalism” by the right and “greenwashing” by the left. But to most…

To protect downwind states from smog, EPA cracks down on coal power pollution

The new “Good Neighbor” plan will halve nitrogen oxide emissions from power plants by 2027.