UC Berkeley’s Ken Goldberg and Michael I. Jordan will discuss AI at TC Sessions: Robotics + AI April 18

We’re just over a month out from our TC Sessions: Robotics + AI event at UC…

Huawei has built an Android alternative in case US tensions increase

Tensions between the U.S. and Huawei show no sign of easing. Last week, the electronics giant…

AI photo startup Polarr raises an $11.5 million Series A

Bay Area photography startup Polarr announced this morning that it has raised an $11.5 million Series…

MIT’s deflated balloon robot hand can pick up objects 100x its own weight

Soft, biologically inspired robots have become one of the field’s most exciting offshoots, with machines that…

After being acquired by Spotify, Gimlet’s staff looks to unionize

Last month’s Gimlet was a watershed moment for podcasting. Spotify acquired the network for a reported…

This is the next-gen lionfish vacuuming robot

Roboticists have the strangest pet projects. For Colin Angle, it’s vacuuming up lionfish. The iRobot CEO…

Fitbit Versa Lite review

It’s a tricky proposition for a product launch: last year’s model, but with fewer features. But…

Fitbit trims the fat with the Inspire

If nothing else, last week’s Fitbit event showed the world that the company had learned two…

Algolux announces Ion, a development platform for autonomous vision systems

Algolux, founded in 2015, isn’t exactly a household name in the already-crowded world of automotive computer…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says labor should not fear automation

It’s impossible to discuss the seismic shift toward automation without a conversation about job loss. Opponent…