Inventor creates a Rubik's Cube that solves itself

It was either this, or peel off and redistribute the stickers.

A Brazilian rainforest is now being called an 'extinction vortex'

Brazil's once-expansive Atlantic Forest has now almost completely disappeared.

We may know how the bizarre, cigar-shaped interstellar object 'Oumuamua was formed

The object 'Oumuamua may have been tumbling through interstellar space for billions of years, scientists say.

You have a personal cloud of particles and bugs that follows you everywhere

This is probably not the "aura" that you had in mind.

Scientists gave octopuses ecstasy, and there was a lot of cuddling

The study shows surprising similarities between the biochemistry of humans and octopuses.

Hydrogen atoms may be capable of bonding with literal nothingness

Hydrogen atoms in an excited state may be capable of forming a bond all on their…

Rafts of fire ants are terrorizing survivors of Hurricane Florence

As if the hurricane and flooding wasn't terrorizing enough.

There are no extra dimensions in our universe, says gravitational wave data

Theories that posit extra dimensions in our universe take a hit.

Plants use blazes of light to communicate

Plants can signal danger in a way that's surprisingly like how our brains operate.

Can a butterfly flapping its wings really cause a hurricane?

The short answer is no, but that doesn't mean it's not a compelling metaphor.