‘Tiger King’: $100,000 Offered to Solve Cold Case of Carole Baskin’s Husband

There will be an independent investigation into Don Lewis' disappearance. [[ This is a content summary…

President Trump Issues Order Banning U.S. Transactions With TikTok in 45 Days

Days ago, President Trump threatened to ban TikTok from the U.S. through executive action. [[ This…

NBA Creating $300 Million Fund to Help Create Economic Empowerment in Black Community

Each of the 30 teams in the league will donate $1 million annually to the foundation…

Massive Explosions in Beirut Leave Dozens Dead and More Than 2,000 Injured

Two massive explosions rocked Beirut on Tuesday. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my…

Herman Cain, Former Presidential Candidate, Dies From Coronavirus

Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has died from coronavirus, according to a post on his…

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized for Minimally Invasive Non-surgical Procedure

Ginsburg is expected to be released from the hospital by the end of the week.  [[…

US Navy’s First Black Female Fighter Pilot Will Receive Her Wings

The U.S. Navy's first Black female tactical fighter pilot, will receive her Wings of Gold on…

George Floyd Hologram Lights Up Over Robert E. Lee Statue in Virginia

A hologram showing George Floyd was projected in front of a Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond, Virginia…

MacKenzie Bezos Donates $1.7 Billion to Racial Equality and Other Causes

The ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made a massive donation to several charities. [[ This…

John Lewis Crosses Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma a Final Time

Civil rights icon John Lewis' body is being carried across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma,…