White supremacists pose as Antifa on Twitter, call for violence

A Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position…

Analysis: Trump went from freedom fighter to authoritarian in about a week

The moment was made for TV. With a protest just beyond the White House complex, President…

Analysis: Texas parties may preview national split over live or virtual conventions

Texas this week will preview the sharp divergence that may lie ahead as the Republican and…

As the President struggles to cope with the anger and heartbreak sweeping the country, he turned to a moment of vanity and bravado

Watch CNN | Protests in photos | Thousands around the world protest

Magic Johnson says he still has ‘the talk’ with his sons about interacting with police

Despite being a legendary Hall of Fame basketball player, Magic Johnson understands the realities of being…

Opinion: Ex-police chief — What’s the plan now, America?

I am a black American man who has been privileged to serve in law enforcement for…

The homes frozen in time on Hong Kong’s abandoned Yim Tin Tsai island

While many visitors to Hong Kong know about the main Hong Kong island, home to many…

Coronavirus cases in DC spike

• New epicenter could be the worst yet • The thousands of wishes the pandemic put…

Outcry after a Nigerian student dies from ‘brutal attack’ in church

It should have been one of the safest places to seek refuge. Instead, Uwaila Vera Omozuwa…

Some police march with protesters in act of solidarity

Why are police getting down on their knees with protesters? CNN's Jeanne Moos reports.