Cuomo: Trump’s two flaws are ‘literally making us sick’

CNN's Chris Cuomo argues that President Donald Trump's Easter timeline isn't aspirational, it's asinine.

5 takeaways from Joe Biden’s CNN town hall on the coronavirus response

Joe Biden during a CNN town hall Friday night detailed how he'd respond to the coronavirus…

New York City spent two minutes clapping for first responders

New Yorkers leaned out their windows and flooded their balconies with two minutes of applause for…

FDA authorizes 15-minute coronavirus test

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Joe Biden describes how he stays in touch with grandkids while social distancing

Former Vice President Joe Biden is not letting the threat of coronavirus stop him from keeping…

Rhode Island will knock on doors and stop cars to find New Yorkers to slow coronavirus

Rhode Island's governor said Friday that law enforcement officers will stop cars and knock on doors…

A flash of normalcy in Washington is jarring in these coronavirus times

It was a scene I have watched play out umpteen times over the years - senators…

Biden: ‘We are seeing the soul of America now’

See mom’s difficult coronavirus question for Biden

A mother in New York, who has coronavirus symptoms, asked presidential candidate Joe Biden about the…

Tracking Covid-19 cases in the US