China hits US military with Hong Kong ban after Trump signs pro-democracy bill

• Allegations of mistreatment by Hong Kong police surface

Amazon pulls Christmas ornaments showing Auschwitz concentration camp

Amazon has removed a number of Christmas ornaments featuring images of the Auschwitz concentration camps from…

Analysis: How Trump spooked NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is far from being brittle, but the alliance seems much…

Could Asia’s passion for tofu help solve the plastic crisis?

A staple in the Asian diet, soybeans have been used to make tofu, miso soup and…

China is rolling out ****** recognition for all new mobile phone numbers

****** recognition checks are about to become even more ubiquitous in China, as rules come into…

********* priests operated at a California school for decades

Cyber Monday 2019: Here are all the sales worth shopping today

10 most famous paintings in the world

India’s navy gets first woman pilot

‘Masters of distraction’: The spontaneous art of street photography

Street photography can be many things. It can be a record of a specific place in…