Anderson Cooper: Lewandowski still wants to please daddy

CNN's Anderson Cooper talks to his panel about former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski admitting during…

Testimony from Trump’s ex-campaign manager shows Democrats struggling to hold the President to account

It was meant to be the moment when Democrats started to knit a narrative of presidential…

Cuomo to Cortes: How can Latinos think Trump loves them?

CNN's Chris Cuomo discusses President Trump's appeal to Hispanic voters with Trump 2020 campaign committee member…

Democrat says Trump is winning the short game

CNN's Erin Burnett asks Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) about the often contentious questioning of former Trump…

Designers loved by Beyonce and Priyanka Chopra show new creations

With loud digital prints, feminine silhouettes and sharp tailoring, London fashion label Peter Pilotto has been…

Opinion: Lewandowski hearing was a disaster

Corey Lewandowski's congressional testimony on Tuesday highlighted the fundamental paradox facing the House Judiciary Committee. On…

McCabe says he won’t take a deal if he’s indicted

Andrew McCabe, the former acting FBI director who's been told he may be indicted, told CNN…

Don Lemon: There will be no consequences for Lewandowski

CNN's Don Lemon discusses Corey Lewandowski and the hearing on Capitol Hill where the former Trump…

Trump rebuts Graham: My response to Iran ‘was a sign of strength’

President Donald Trump offered a reserved rebuttal to Sen. Lindsey Graham's assertion that the administration's response…

Lyft hit by five more alleged ****** assault, **** cases in one day

Lyft was hit with five more lawsuits on Tuesday by women who allege they were sexually…