Elizabeth Warren shares emotional story about her mom

During a town hall, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) opens up to CNN's Jake Tapper about her…

Elizabeth Warren: Slavery is a stain on America

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren told voters at a CNN town hall it's time to have…

Beto O’Rourke makes an impression on late-night host

Jimmy Fallon is up in arms over Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke with his latest impression.…

********: I wish Trump would write emails to therapist

Former Sen. Rick ******** (R-PA) talks to CNN's Anderson Cooper about President Trump's Twitter tirade that…

Anderson Cooper calls out Trump for his hypocrisy on John McCain

CNN's Anderson Cooper calls out President Donald Trump for his weekend Twitter tirade in which he…

Saudi Arabia and Iran have one thing in common

In the 40 years since the Iranian Revolution, Middle Eastern policy in every major nation has…

Video games are now a legit high school sport

Competitive video game playing, also known as esports, is now a high school varsity sport in…

Elizabeth Warren’s path to presidential hopeful

A look at the political career of presidential hopeful and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

World’s most expensive cities to live in

Latino voter: I’d like to see wall longer and taller

According to a new CNN poll, President Donald Trump has a 34% approval rating among Latinos…