Here’s why ICE detention beds have become a sticking point in border security talks

Border security talks hit an impasse over the weekend, as Democrats pushed back against another facet…

Tapper: Trump is lying to you to get border wall

CNN's Jake Tapper debunks President Trump's claim that violent crime decreased in El Paso, Texas, because…

Historian: Trump reaching for cheap laughs

Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley responds to President Donald Trump's tweet that appeared to be mocking a…

New Pentagon report warns of Russian and Chinese laser threats to US satellites

A new Pentagon report on threats in space warns that China and Russia are both developing…

Michael Cohen postpones congressional testimony for a third time

President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen has scored a hat trick when it comes…

Kareem Hunt signs with the Browns. GM says he deserves a second chance

Fact checking Trump’s snowstorm tweet

During Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar's 2020 announcement speech in the midst of a snowstorm in Minneapolis…

Starbucks has done just fine since Howard Schultz left

Starbucks has been doing great since Howard Schultz stepped down and handed the reins of the…

Analysis: Donald Trump is obsessed with how hard he works

On Monday morning, President Donald Trump tweeted this: "No president ever worked harder than me (cleaning…

Ancient mucus trail led to oldest evidence of mobility on Earth

A fossilized mucus trail led to the discovery of the oldest evidence for mobility on Earth,…