Chris Cuomo: Don’t defend Trump like he’s a ***** at a bar

CNN's Chris Cuomo says that President Trump's comments are inexcusable and shouldn't be defended like "a…

Chris Cuomo: Don’t defend Trump like he’s a ***** at a bar

CNN's Chris Cuomo says that President Trump's comments are inexcusable and shouldn't be defended like "a…

Sears CEO offers $400 million for Kenmore

Pierson: Omarosa was like a dog with a bone

Senior adviser for the Trump 2020 campaign Katrina Pierson says that she tried to "placate" former…

Is the résumé dead?

Christine Hallquist will become the first transgender gubernatorial nominee for a major US political party

Giuliani claims Mueller waiting for Manafort verdict to negotiate Trump interview

President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that he believes special counsel Robert Mueller is…

Artificial gills for humans could become a reality

Breathing underwater, without the help of voluminous equipment, seems as unrealistic as flying overseas must have…

Sarah Sanders apologizes for false claim about African-American jobs

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders issued a rare correction Tuesday night after falsely declaring that…

Puerto Rico says power restoration after Maria is complete, but that’s not quite right

Power restoration after Hurricane Maria, which struck almost a year ago, has been completed, according to…