Speaker Pelosi urges Democratic unity

‘Bonkers conspiracy theory’: Dale on Trump attack

CNN's Daniel Dale fact-checks President Trump's baseless allegations of election fraud, in light of Trump's recent…

Karl Rove leads new Republican fundraising group for pivotal Georgia Senate races

Senate Republicans have picked Karl Rove to serve as the national finance chairman for the Georgia…

Trump expected to order more troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq

House Republicans receive DC Covid-19 restriction waiver to hold in-person leadership elections

Washington, DC, officials said Monday that House Republicans had received a waiver to hold a large…

Covid-19 reinfection: What you need to know

While there have only been a handful of cases of reinfection so far, we don't yet…

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan urges Trump to concede

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday urged his fellow Republicans to reject the extremes of his…

In Biden’s first 100 days, this step is crucial

The final ballots are still being counted and recounted in some states, but the outcome is…

Fact checking Trump’s barrage of lies over the weekend

"I WON THE ELECTION!" President Donald Trump tweeted just before midnight on Sunday night.

Trump administration begins last-minute leasing process for arctic drilling

The Trump administration on Monday started a leasing process for oil and gas drilling sites off…