A Leaky Component Caused the SpaceX Crew Dragon Explosion

The company still hopes to send two astronauts to the International Space Station this year but…

New Designs Could Boost Solar Cells Beyond Their Limits

A material that effectively splits a photon in two is one way scientists are trying to…

****** Orbit Just Dropped a Rocket From a Boeing 747

Richard Branson's air-launch system is getting very close to opening for business after successfully completing one…

The Real Challenge for the Green New Deal Isn’t Politics

Generating clean energy is easy. Getting the transmission lines to pipe it to the cities is…

NASA Will Send a Helicopter to Hunt for Life on Saturn’s Biggest Moon

The Dragonfly mission will spend two years flying around the surface of Titan, studying the moon’s…

Is Mars’ Methane Spike a Sign of Life? Here’s How We’ll Know

The Curiosity rover detected a high concentration of methane on the red planet. Two Mars orbiters…

How to Watch SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Launch a Solar Sail Tonight

One of the starring payloads is a solar sail that, when unfurled, will be the size…

Argentina’s Blackout and the Storm-Battered Future of the Grid

The countrywide blackout comes after a period of heavy rains, a reminder that the US electric…

Neptune Is a Windy, Chilly, and Baffling Planet. Let’s Go!

Scientists are building a case for a mission to Neptune, an ice giant that's only been…

A New Fuel for Satellites Is So Safe It Won’t Blow Up Humans

SpaceX’s next Falcon Heavy launch will carry a satellite that will test, for the first time,…