Algramo aims to cut plastic waste with a reusable container ecosystem and $8.5M A round

Single-use plastic containers make up a huge amount of the world’s waste, but so far no…

Glyphic Biotechnologies raises $6M to accelerate protein sequencing by orders of magnitude

The whole human proteome may be free to browse thanks to DeepMind, but at the bleeding…

Glyphic Biotechnologies raises $6M to accelerate protein sequencing by orders of magnitude

The whole human proteome may be free to browse thanks to DeepMind, but at the bleeding…

DeepMind puts the entire human proteome online, as folded by AlphaFold

DeepMind and several research partners have released a database containing the 3D structures of nearly every…

FTC puts hardware makers on warning for potential ‘unlawful repair restrictions’

As phones and other consumer devices have gained feature after feature, they have also declined in…

Pivot Bio rakes in $430M round D as modified microbes prove their worth in agriculture

Pivot Bio makes fertilizer — but not directly. Its modified microorganisms are added to soil and…

****** Galactic president Mike Moses on what’s next for the company’s growing fleet

This last weekend featured the much-ballyhooed launch of ****** Galactic’s first (nonpaying) passengers, with founder and…

Researchers match DeepMind’s AlphaFold2 protein folding power with faster, freely available model

DeepMind stunned the biology world late last year when its AlphaFold2 AI model predicted the structure…

Facebook is shook, asks for removal of FTC Chair Khan from antitrust cases against it

Facebook has joined Amazon in a show of alarm at the sudden rise of antitrust hawk…

Cutting out carbon emitters with bioengineering at XTC Global Finals on July 22

Bioengineering may soon provide compelling, low-carbon alternatives in industries where even the best methods produce significant…