Deploy the space harpoon

Watch out, starwhales.

Nintendo makes the old new again with Mario, Zelda, Tetris titles for Switch

The afternoon brought an eventful series of announcements from Nintendo in one of its Direct video…

Nintendo announces Super Mario Maker 2 for Switch, so goodbye forever

Nintendo has ruined my life, and all our lives, by announcing Super Mario Maker 2, the…

Opportunity Mars Rover goes to its last rest after extraordinary 14-year mission

Opportunity, one of two rovers sent to Mars in 2004, is officially offline for good, NASA…

Xnor’s saltine-sized, solar-powered AI hardware redefines the edge

"If AI is so easy, why isn't there any in this room?" asks Ali Farhadi, founder…

DARPA wants smart bandages for wounded warriors

Nowhere is prompt and effective medical treatment more important than on the battlefield, where injuries are…

Another fine mesh

Amazon’s acquisition of mesh router company Eero is a smart play that adds a number of…

Lilt is building a machine translation business with humans at the core

The ability to quickly and automatically translate anything you see using a web service is a…

Feel the beep: This album is played entirely on a PC motherboard speaker

If you're craving a truly different sound with which to slay the crew this weekend, look…

Facebook picks up retail computer vision outfit GrokStyle

If you've ever seen a lamp or chair that you liked and wished you could just…