The US is getting its first new nuclear reactor in 40 years

After years of delays, Plant Vogtle project goes online soon in Georgia.

There’s big climate money out there for small towns. But will they get it?

How advocates are helping understaffed communities field complicated federal grants.

Georgians plead with state officials to protect the Okefenokee from mining

Even if the Supreme Court rules to protect certain wetlands, the fate of certain watersheds will…

That empty space next to highways? Put solar panels on it.

Roadside solar fields across the country could power up to 12 million electric vehicles.

Herschel Walker on the environment: America needs its “gas-guzzling cars”

The Republican Senate candidate insisted that cars in the U.S. "got the good emissions."

These red states don’t want climate targets — but they do want green jobs

How Georgia and other Republican-led states are trying to benefit from the clean manufacturing boom.

The next frontier in medicine: Doctors with climate training

Medical schools across the country are increasingly reckoning with the need to teach the intersection of…