The Era of Fast, Cheap Genome Sequencing Is Here

Illumina just announced a machine that can ***** genomes twice as fast as its current version—and…

There’s New Proof Crispr Can Edit Genes Inside Human Bodies

The technique had largely been limited to editing patients’ cells in the lab. New research shows…

How a ‘Living Drug’ Could Treat Autoimmune Disease

CAR-T therapy has been successful at treating cancer. Now, it’s driven lupus into remission in a…

A GMO Purple Tomato Is Coming to Stores. Will the US Bite?

Most genetically engineered foods were developed to aid farmers. This one will try to sway over…

How Does a Variant-Specific Covid Booster Work?

The latest vaccines are designed to target the currently circulating Omicron variants—and head off a winter…

An Effort to ID Tulsa Race Massacre Victims Raises Privacy Issues

The project will match the victims’ DNA to that of their descendants—but uses a genealogy website…

This Man Set the Record for Wearing a Brain-Computer Interface

Implanted devices let people control computers and prosthetic limbs with their minds. But nobody knows how…

Police Used a Baby’s DNA to Investigate Its Father for a Crime

Small pinpricks of blood are used to screen newborns for serious health conditions—but this genetic data…

A Bioengineered Cornea Shows It Can Improve People’s Sight

Donated human corneas are scarce in places where they’re most needed. A version made from pig…

The Pigs Died. Then Scientists Revived Their Cells

A new system for keeping body tissues functional after death could help make more organs available…