FERC may finally help the public understand *** it does

A new office of public participation might make the arcane federal commission accessible.

Congress finally wants to give a boost to this no-brainer clean energy technology

Most of our energy is squandered as heat. This technology turns it into electricity.

6 reasons 2020 wasn’t as bad for climate change as you thought

Even during a global pandemic, with powerful forces working against it, momentum toward a less fiery…

Who’s Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s pick for energy secretary?

The former Michigan governor is a longtime champion of making the United States a hub for…

Exxon’s “emission reduction plan” doesn’t call for reducing Exxon’s emissions

The semantic trick that allows oil companies to "cut" emissions and grow them at the same…

Can we ‘restore’ the climate? These young activists want us to try.

They’re ready to talk about carbon removal. Are you?

New York’s $226 billion retirement fund will pull out of fossil fuels

The nation's third-largest pension fund will withdraw investments from companies that aren't prepared to survive in…

Most of America’s ***** power plants will be ready to retire by 2035

Shutting down the nation’s fossil fuel–burning power plants in the next 15 years wouldn't be as…

Why did EPA air monitors fail to detect an oil refinery explosion?

And what else are they missing?

These oil and gas veterans are trying to clean up the industry’s mess, one well at a time

The number of abandoned oil and gas wells is on the verge of exploding. These industry…