Social Media Is Terrible For Mental Health. But It Could Also Help

The internet holds potential solutions to pernicious mental health issues. Harnessing that potential is proving complicated.

The Case for Viral ‘Callout’ Culture

Making memes out of racist rants is not frivolous: It’s crafting a nuanced picture of American…

The Good Place’s Janet Is the Most Optimistic AI on Television

Janet isn’t your typical televised artificial lifeform: Nobody hates her and she isn’t miserable, even as…

From ‘Buffy’ to ‘Charmed’ to ‘Doctor Who,’ ‘Woke’ TV Reboots Are Anything But

“Progressive” reimaginings of classic shows like Doctor Who, Buffy, and Charmed often hit a sour note—true…

TikTok Is a Short-Form Monetized Musical Meme Machine

Tween sensation TikTok is not-quite-Snapchat and not-quite-Vine. But it’s betting on 15-second clips, while other platforms…

Byeeeee, Logan Paul: Brands Prefer ‘Micro Influencers’ Now

Instead of leveraging the star power (and the potential fallout) of online celebrities, companies are seeking…

You Won’t Win the Thanksgiving Fight. But You Can Survive

The deep conflicts dividing America will never be solved over a turkey leg. But there are…

Netflix’s ‘Cam’ Is a Horror Movie for the Influencer Age

You may not be an ****** webcam model with legions of unsettling fans, but you’ll find…

Trumpy Bear Divided the World—and Conquered the Internet

He wants your money, and you’ll give it to him because LOL nothing matters.

YouTube Videos Keep Getting Longer to Drive Ad Revenue

Gone are the days of the 30-second clip. Today’s most viewed YouTube videos last 20 minutes…