Verified Expert Lawyer: Sam Angus

Sam Angus has been a lawyer in Silicon Valley since the 1990s. Today, he represents some…

Verified Expert Lawyer: Andrew Erskine

Andrew Erskine has developed his legal career along with the rise of the tech startup scene…

Verified Expert Lawyer: Leslee Cohen

Leslee Cohen has been practicing law for decades in her hometown of Chicago. She’s been working…

Verified Expert Lawyer: José Ancer

José Ancer is first of all a startup lawyer, with a client portfolio of startups of…

Verified Startup Lawyer: Stephane Levy

Stephane Levy got his start in the days of Silicon Alley almost two decades ago, and…

Verified Expert Lawyer: James Alonso

While James Alonso has worked at big law firms for much of his career, he’s been…

Introducing the Verified Experts of Extra Crunch

TechCrunch is launching something a little different today. We’re going to help startup founders find the…

Meet a great startup lawyer: Cynthia Hess

In late December, we launched our startup lawyer survey and to date we’ve received more than…

How we’re finding the best lawyers for early-stage startups

We’re nearing 1,000 submissions from startup founders and leaders in Silicon Valley and across the world…

Help us find the best startup lawyers

We’re looking for the best lawyers who are working with startups today, and we’d like your…