Climate Change Might Double the Cost of a Beer

More extreme droughts and heat waves will hit barley especially hard, so growers are trying to…

Bionic Limbs ‘Learn’ to Open a Beer

Deep learning is helping to make prosthetic arms behave more naturally.

STEM Candidates Try to Ride a Pro-Science Wave to Congress

At the March for Science, protesters spoke about the importance of getting more scientists in office.…

Trump’s Auto Emissions Plan Is Full of Faulty Logic

A federal proposal to freeze cars' emissions standards argues that climate change isn't worth fighting at…

This Supple, Squishy Robo-Jellyfish Can Explore Ocean Reefs

A new robotic jellyfish can squeeze through holes smaller than its body size.

New NASA Satellite’s Lasers Will Track Tiny Changes in Polar Ice

NASA's ICESat-2 will watch over the planet's polar ice to improve forecasts of sea level rise.

Hurricane Florence: Underwater Drones Help Track the Storm’s Path

A new tool called a Slocum glider measures the ocean heat that fuels super-storms like Florence,…

You Can Drink Champagne in Space—Yes, Really

Champagne maker Mumm is testing a piston-activated bottle on zero-G flights.

Trump’s New Power Plan Comes With a Deadly Price

The Environmental Protection Agency says the new plan will result in more air pollution deaths.

The Race to Send Robots to Mine the Ocean Floor

As worldwide development rises for electric vehicle batteries and wind turbines, the demand for metals from…