Game of Thrones Targaryen history prequel may be coming to HBO – CNET

HBO can't confirm, but really, would it let that 700-page whopper of a book go unfilmed?

Dem debate memes: Andrew Yang gives out money, Sean Spicer goes dancing – CNET

On stage in Houston, 10 candidates fought -- and ABC reminded viewers that Sean Spicer has…

Rare full moon will light up Friday the 13th for the first time in years – CNET

The spooky date gets a spooky night sky to go with it, and there won't be…

iPhone 11 doubters reconsider: ‘Did you say it comes in PURPLE?!?’ – CNET

The Purple iPhone appears to be a grape selling point for some.

Apple iPhone 11 looks like it has a fidget spinner, according to memes – CNET

Rumors of three rear-facing cameras started consumer imaginations clicking before the device came out officially.

Enjoy Palindrome Week, because there won’t be another until 2111 – CNET

Say it backward: 9-10-19, and the next 9 days are all neatly reversible.

Tom Hanks reportedly will play toy astronaut Major Matt Mason in a movie – CNET

1960s kids will remember the space-age action figure from Mattel.

Groovy! Vinyl records will soon outsell CDs for first time since 1986 – CNET

Let the music play.

Spider-Man’s 5 best Marvel Cinematic Universe moments – CNET

UNDEROOS! We love you 3,000!

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits digital video on Sept. 17 with over an hour of additional content – CNET

Peter Parker gets a little eight-legged help at the passport window, and more.