Twitter Finally Fact-Checked Trump. It’s a Bit of a Mess

Less than six months from the election, social media platforms are still not ready to deal…

If You Can’t Vote by Mail This Year, Don’t Panic

With the right precautions in place, going to the polls isn’t so dangerous.

Here’s What an Antitrust Case Against Google Might Look Like

Two DOJ veterans lay out a roadmap for cracking down on the company’s digital advertising juggernaut.

As Deaths Mount, Trump’s Disinformation Strategy Will Adapt

Bashing the epidemiological models didn't work. Now, the administration is questioning reality itself.

Is There a Constitutional Right to Make Robocalls?

Meeting via conference call for the first time ever this week, the Supreme Court considers a…

The Weird Partisan Math of Vote-by-Mail 

Research says that expanding mail-in voting doesn’t help Democrats. So why are Republicans so afraid of…

He Helped Build Facebook Messenger. Now He’s Building an Army of Voters

Mobilize was the leading events platform for Democrats before the pandemic. Now its organizing is entirely…

Trump Voters Aren’t Staying In As Much As Everybody Else

Republicans say they're less afraid of Covid-19 than Democrats, and new research based on cell phone…

Bernie Sanders Is Out—but He Transformed Campaigning For Good

Over the course of two presidential campaigns, Sanders showed how effective a digital-first movement could be.

Trump’s Coronavirus ‘Experts’: A Field Guide

Here are the brave men who aren’t letting a lack of relevant training stop them from…