Thawing Permafrost Exposes Old Pathogens—and New Hosts

Climate change is disrupting delicate arctic habitats, which could unearth frozen viruses and transport them elsewhere.

Big Pharma Says Drug Prices Reflect R&D Cost. Researchers Call BS

A new study finds no correlation between research and development spending and outlandish drug prices.

The Problem With Mental Health Bots

With human therapists in short supply, AI chatbots are trying to plug the gap—but it’s not…

The Mystery of Why Some People Don’t Get Covid

A small number of people appear naturally immune to the coronavirus. Scientists think they might hold…

Is the Psychedelic Therapy Bubble About to Burst?

A new paper argues that excitement has veered into misinformation—and scientists should be the ones to…

Egg and ***** Donors Could Be Required to Share Medical Records

In much of the US, donors aren’t obliged to disclose potentially inheritable health conditions. A proposed…

Doctors Are Pioneering a Better Way to Perform Autopsies on Kids

Hi-res imaging can help determine cause of death in very young babies—giving parents answers without the…

The Chaotic Monkeypox Vaccine Pipeline Is Leaving Everyone Short

A Danish company that’s the sole producer of the only approved vaccine has sold nearly all…

The Age of Brain-Computer Interfaces Is on the Horizon

Synchron has implanted its BCI in a patient for the first time—bringing it a big step…

The Climate Anxiety Discussion Has a Whiteness Problem

Marginalized groups often think about the mental impact of the climate crisis in different terms—meaning they…