Scientists Settled an Old Family Mystery Using DNA From Postcards

Swiss forensic geneticists analyzed DNA recovered from postage stamps dating back to World War I and…

2021 Revealed the Depths of Global Vaccine Inequity

Previous pandemics saw rich countries grabbing up vaccine supplies, leaving poor countries behind. Has the world…

The UK Government Wants to Sequence Your Baby’s Genome

Genomics England plans to test a program that will offer whole genome sequencing to newborns—opening a…

The Gut Microbiome’s Role in Autism Gets Murkier

As scientists look for a link between digestive-tract microbes and autism, some questionable treatments have surfaced.…

E-Cigarettes Could Be the New Nicotine Patch

England will allow doctors to prescribe vaping devices to people who want to quit smoking—if manufacturers…

Merck’s Antiviral Could Be Just What Covid Was Waiting For

The pharmaceutical giant is making its oral antiviral drug widely available for all the world. But…