Coinbase Makes Its Debut—and Bitcoin Arrives on Wall Street

The big cryptocurrency exchange goes public through a direct listing, and it could make a bigger…

Variant Hunters Race to Find New Strains Where Testing Lags

In countries without much sequencing, new versions of the Covid virus can go unnoticed. Scientists across…

The Ionizer in Your School May Not Do Much to Fight Covid

Manufacturers say the devices remove 99 percent of viruses. Researchers say such claims are unproven, and…

As Digital Currency’s Popularity Rises, So Do Privacy Fears

Backers see a way to reach the unbanked. But any system could give the government a…

NFTs Are Hot. So Is Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate

The sale of a piece of crypto art consumed as much energy as the studio uses…

The Secret Behind North Dakota’s Speedy Vaccine Rollout

The state’s independent rural drugstores are showing the power of small.

When the Grid Goes Down, Can a Fleet of Batteries Replace It?

In a power crisis, maybe the solution is a network of smaller energy sources distributed across…

If Work Is Going Remote, Why Is Big Tech Still Building?

Google, Facebook, and others promise more flexibility to work from home. But they’re charging ahead with…

Would You Trade a Bitcoin for a Tesla?

The maker of electric vehicles said it had invested $1.5 billion in bitcoin and plans to…

More Covid Vaccine Choices Mean New Equity Challenges

Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine can be delivered in a single dose, but it’s also slightly less…