How the fear of wolves benefits ecosystems

Scientists discover how entire ecosystems benefit from wolves keeping herbivores on edge.

All-women film team takes on border wall on behalf of all at-risk wildlife

In "Ay, Mariposa," conservation filmmakers highlight the people, animals, and fragile habitats impacted by the barrier…

6 fast facts about sloths

There's so much more strangeness to sloths, our favorite slow-moving creatures, than meets the eye!

Judge restores federal protections for Yellowstone grizzly bears

Yellowstone grizzly bears were removed from the U.S. endangered species list in 2017.

10 surprising facts about Neanderthals

Neanderthals were more sophisticated and similar to humans than you might expect.

What are ghost nets?

These quiet killers can rack up an incredible death toll during their long lifetime.

Nature reserve in Bolivia offers hope for wild macaws on the brink

There are only 300 blue-throated macaws left in the wild.

Nature reserve in Bolivia offers hope for wild macaws on the brink

There are only 300 blue-throated macaws left in the wild.

These popular mushrooms are carnivorous

Oyster mushrooms are one of the few fungi that hunt prey. And that fact may help…