These tiny, crackly bubbles are a new type of volcanic ash

Scientists have identified a new type of volcanic ash made up of millimeter-long spheres with a…

Hubble has been busy since coming back online

Since going back to work, the Hubble Space Telescope has been studying red dwarf flares.

Neandertal teeth reveal the earliest known signs of lead exposure

Chemical analyses of teeth from young Neandertals show that lead exposure in hominids goes back some…

People in the Pacific Northwest smoked tobacco long before Europeans showed up

Ancient indigenous groups in the Pacific Northwest used tobacco roughly 600 years before European settlers ventured…

Liverwort plants contain a painkiller similar to the one in marijuana

Cannabinoids found in liverwort plants could spell relief for those suffering from chronic pain.

Plants engineered to always be on alert don’t grow well

Scientists bred a type of **** to lack proteins that help stem the production of bitter…

More tornadoes are popping up east of the Mississippi

Tornadoes are becoming slightly less frequent in Tornado Alley, while more are touching down further east…

Add beer to the list of foods threatened by climate change

Barley crops around the world will be threatened by drought and heat

Self-driving cars see better with cameras that mimic mantis shrimp vision

A new type of camera that sees in polarized light across a wide range of light…

These light-loving bacteria may survive surprisingly deep underground

Traces of cyanobacteria DNA suggest that the microbes live deep below Earth’s surface.