How games conquered the movies

We used to think that as video games matured, as a medium, they would become more…

Blockchain blockchain Malkovich blockchain

I spent much of last week at blockchain conferences, and I’m about ready to never hear…

From crypto winter to crypto weirder

Captain Kirk and neo-Dadaists. Repugnant markets and legendary cryptographers. “Digital couture” auctioned by CryptoKitties developers. Distributed…

Against the Slacklash

Such hate. Such dismay. “How Slack is ruining work.” “Actually, Slack really *****.” “Slack may actually…

Facebook is pivoting

“The future is private,” said Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook’s roadmap, after conceding “we don’t exactly have…

Meet the tech boss, same as the old boss

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” It seems darkly funny, now, that anyone ever dared…

The new new web

Over the last five years, almost everything about web development has changed. Oh, the old tech…

The rules of the Game Of Oligarchs

Technology shrinks the world, makes geography less relevant. People find kinship, common cause, and community on…

Whither native app developers?

I’ve noticed something interesting lately. Five years ago, senior developers with significant iOS experience available for…

Some ruminations on decentralization of identifications

It’s tax season, which has me thinking about one of decentralized technology’s holy grails: self-sovereign identities.…