Primitive Asgard Cells Show Life on the Brink of Complexity

As researchers race to cultivate these intriguing cells from the deep seafloor, the few growing in…

A New Explanation for How Fireflies Flash in Sync

Field research uncovers clues about the beetles’ coordinated blinking and confirms that a novel form of…

Geometry Reveals How the World Is Made of Cubes

An exercise in pure mathematics has led to a wide-ranging theory that unites Plato with geophysics.

Is Dark Matter Just Black Holes Made During the Big Bang?

Stephen Hawking once proposed that unseen “primordial” black holes might be the hidden dark matter. A…

These Hidden Women Helped Invent Chaos Theory

Two programmers played a key role in developing chaos theory and the famous butterfly effect, but…

A Bizarre Form of Water May Exist All Over the Universe

A new experiment confirms the existence of superionic ice, a black and hot form of water…

Astronomers Think They Can Explain Mysterious Cosmic Bursts

A new, testable theory proposes that fast radio bursts may draw their power from young neutron…

Astronomers Creep Up to the Edge of the Milky Way’s Black Hole

Hot spots have been discovered orbiting just outside the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s center.…

Star-Swallowing Black Holes Reveal Secrets in Exotic Light Shows

Black holes occasionally reveal themselves when passing stars get ripped apart by their gravity. These tidal…