Facebook, Twitter take down Russia-linked accounts posting from African countries – CNET

The influence campaign posted about black history and civil rights in the US, Facebook said.

Three old password rules that turned out to be dumb today – CNET

Be smarter about using this crummy system.

Thousands of fingerprint files exposed in unsecured database, research finds – CNET

Exclusive: The data reveals important distinguishing characteristics of 76,000 fingerprints.

Password managers can be a pain but they’re good for security – CNET

They're your friend, or at least a helpful acquaintance.

Hospital devices exposed to hacking with unsupported operating systems – CNET

Some X-ray, CAT scan and MRI machines are using Windows 7 and Windows XP operating systems.…

Alleged Russian hacker goes on trial Monday in US in 2012 LinkedIn, Dropbox breaches – CNET

Data breaches like these are the reason you shouldn't reuse passwords.

Almost 1 million ****** Media records exposed on insecure database – CNET

The data included email address, phone numbers and physical addresses, but no payment information or passwords,…

Huawei and Defense Department officials spar at cybersecurity panel – CNET

Things got tense.

Genetic testing hampered by data privacy concerns, experts say – CNET

A Cambridge Analytica-level event could increase consumer distrust of genomics.

Hackers can peep through this smart vacuum’s camera, research shows – CNET

Disconnect the security camera on the Trifo Ironpie if you want to be safe.