Big data reveals hints of how, when and where mental disorders start

The first wave of data from the PsychENCODE project holds new clues to how and when…

Here’s a rare way that an Alzheimer’s protein can spread

Amyloid-beta found in vials of growth hormone can move from brain to brain, a mouse study…

Many babies are crummy sleepers, confirming what millions of parents already know

A new survey suggests that lots and lots of babies aren’t sleeping through the night. The…

The ****** may play a role in memory

In lab tests, rats that underwent hysterectomies had worse spatial memories.

Zaps to a certain spot in the brain may ease depression

When implanted electrodes stimulated a brain region just behind the eyes, people’s spirits were raised immediately.

Brain implants let paralyzed people use tablets to send texts and stream music

People with paralysis could control commercially available tablets with their brain activity, researchers show.

Don’t spank your kids. Do time-outs and positive talk instead, pediatricians say

A pediatrician group recommends against spanking children — ever — and points instead to positive reinforcement…

Small doses of peanut protein can turn allergies around

After a year of careful peanut protein exposure, most kids in a clinical trial could tolerate…

Marijuana may change the decision-making part of teen brains

A marijuana-like drug given to male rats during adolescence changed the structure of their brains.

A lack of sleep can induce anxiety

Pulling an all-nighter induced anxiety in healthy people, a recent study finds.