The Willow effect: Are even more Arctic oil projects on the way?

ConocoPhillips' new roads and pipelines could lead to more companies drilling in Alaska's North *****.

Salmon are vanishing from the Yukon River — and so is a way of life

As waters warm, Alaska Native families confront a world without the fish that fed them for…

Community fridges don’t just fight hunger. They’re also a climate solution.

In cities across the U.S., hundreds of refrigerators stocked with free food are reducing waste —…

Community fridges don’t just fight hunger. They’re also a climate solution.

In cities across the U.S., hundreds of refrigerators stocked with free food are reducing waste —…

Community fridges don’t just fight hunger. They’re also a climate solution.

In cities across the U.S., hundreds of refrigerators stocked with free food are reducing waste —…

Cooking oil has a deforestation problem. A startup says it has a solution.

Palm and soy are taking over the world's cropland. Enter Zero Acre Farms.

Earth just set another heat record — by the largest margin yet

The average temperature in September was "absolutely gobsmackingly bananas."

Winter just ended in South America. It’s 110 degrees.

The unseasonal heat in Brazil is bad news for the world's supply of coffee and soybeans.

Biochar is a “shovel-ready” climate technology, but can it scale up?

The soil soot is a small-scale solution that climate advocates — and corporations — want more…

What would happen if the world cut meat and milk consumption in half?

Agricultural emissions would fall by almost a third. But getting there wouldn't be easy.