Beating back the lionfish with knife and fork

If you can't beat them, eat them — that's what Jamaica and Florida are doing with…

Want to lower your risk for cardiovascular disease? Try a vegetarian diet

Eating mostly plant-based foods and fewer animal-based foods may be linked to better heart health.

10 reasons to skip a new tattoo

If you’re thinking about getting some ink, consider these potential health risks before you commit.

What a glass of wine a day does to your body

We explore the risks and benefits of the time-honored daily drink of the grape.

10 things you should know about Ebola

A primer on the deadly virus that has taken hold in Congo and scaring people around…

How safe are e-cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes are surging in popularity among young people, despite bans in Michigan and San Francisco.

FDA issues warning about ***** transplants

Fighting C. difficile with antibiotics is often a losing battle, but ***** transplant is novel treatment…

The surprising signs of drowning

Forget what you thought you knew about drowning; it looks nothing like most of us think.…

11 berries to improve your health

Kale isn't the only super food on the block, these super berries are superfoods packed with…

10 foods to improve your mood

Those so-called comfort foods aren't doing you any favors.