Who wants to buy a Scottish island?

Untouched island, complete with areas of ancient woodland, has been under the guardianship of one family…

Expect a mostly mild winter — but mild doesn't mean no surprises, says NOAA

The 2019-2020 winter forecast will likely be milder-than-average, says NOAA, disagreeing with the almanacs' forecasts.

Lost Native American city unearthed in Kansas

Archaeologists studying the site believe the massive settlement is likely all that remains of the lost…

Improve your odds of having a lucid dream with these 3 techniques

New study finds lucid dreaming is a skill that can be learned and fine-tuned, and the…

Comedian Jon Stewart steers lost subway goats in the right direction

Two goats discovered along subway tracks in Brooklyn are on now safely on their way to…

Meet 'Steve,' a strange ribbon of light that appears in the night sky

The colorful glow may resemble an aurora, but Steve is in a class of his own.

VR experience takes you inside a black hole

Darren Aronofsky’s three-part virtual reality series 'Spheres' will soon take viewers on a trip through time…

Dazzling green fireball lights up Southeast U.S.

NASA says the Aug. 17 light show was likely caused by an asteroid some 6 feet…

NASA detects glowing 'hydrogen wall' at edge of our solar system

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has picked up early signatures of a massive border of hydrogen around…

50-year-old car sets new land speed record

The Challenger 2 is now the world's fastest piston-driven vehicle after achieving an average speed of…