U.S. emissions fell by 10% last year — for the worst possible reasons

3 charts show 2020's historic drop in greenhouse gas pollution.

Climate change could take weather patterns back to the Pliocene

Even the winds are getting more polarized.

Big businesses talk a big climate game — just not on Capitol Hill

Where are the pro-climate lobbyists?

Wild crops could save our food system — if we don’t destroy them first

Endangered sunflowers, lost potatoes, and rare walnut trees: The food system depends on wild plants.

The uproar over Biden’s choice to run the USDA

A nudger, not a shaker, to run the Department of Agriculture.

These climate bills could get past Mitch McConnell, two senators say

Farms, forests, energy: Senators Stabenow and Whitehouse see opportunity in a Republican-run Senate.

Self-driving tractors, robot apple pickers: Witness the high-tech future of farming

Forget Netflix and binge watch these awesome farm-bot videos.

Study: Climate change is pushing hurricanes inland

“Their destruction will no longer be confined to coastal areas."

The one climate fix you can definitely stomach

A new study offers a diet for a cooler planet.

Can you save the earth after Election 2020? Play this game and find out.

Find the path to crafting a climate bill -- no matter who wins the election