For Big Tech, There’s No Winning This Round

Accountability is coming—not just because Congress had an impressive hearing this week, but because the confluence…

There Can Be No Compromise In the Trump vs. Twitter Beef

Having failed to curb the president's falsehoods, social platforms have reached a dispiriting impasse.

For Jeffrey Epstein, MIT Was Just a Safety School

An internal investigation from Harvard University shows where the corrupt philanthropist *really* wanted to get in.

The National Emergency Library and Its Discontents

How did a plan to "aid those that are forced to learn at home” with e-books…

Silicon Valley Is Saving Us—for Now

But let's not get too attached to nifty tools that help us cope with isolation.

How Wikipedia Prevents the Spread of Coronavirus Misinformation

A group of hawk-eyed  experts operate on a special track to monitor medical information on the…

Michael Bloomberg, the Original Tech Bro 

He may have founded his startup way back in the early 1980s, but he likes to…

Does Facebook Need an ‘Understand’ Button?

Mark Zuckerberg has decided it's not important to be liked, only to be understood. What the…

***** Money and Bad Science at MIT’s Media Lab

The school's investigation shows that two separate scandals—over Jeffrey Epstein and OpenAg—were closely linked. 

The TV Show ‘Survivor’ Can Help Us Understand Impeachment

It has to do with Kurt Gödel, sort of.