Facebook’s Libra Reveals Silicon Valley’s ***** Ambition

Cloaked in the guise of making the world a better place, the cryptocurrency project is really…

How Ava DuVernay Made Sure the Central Park Five Were Finally ‘Seen’

The filmmaker’s riveting documentary "When They See Us" tells the story of five men convicted—wrongly—of ****.…

Why Siri and Alexa Weren’t Built to Smack Down Harassment

Yes, sexism plays a role. But tech companies keep you glued to your devices by making…

Theranos and the Real Lesson of Storefont Medical Hacks

It’s not the fraud or the hype. Theranos was a bad idea because it was a…

Like Guns, Social Media Is a Weapon That Should Be Regulated

In the wake of the massacres in Sri Lanka, the government imposed a social media blackout.…

The Julian Assange I Met in 2010 Doesn’t Exist Anymore

When the author interviewed the WikiLeaks cofounder in 2010, what happened online still seemed remote and…

Want to Know How to Build a Better Democracy? Ask Wikipedia

With its insistence on fairness, neutrality, and community consensus, the online storehouse of knowledge is a…

Zuckerberg Wants Facebook to Build a Mind-Reading Machine

If the Facebook CEO's reflection tour has revealed anything it is that even as he wrestles…

Before There Was Internet Paranoia, There Was Lyndon LaRouche

He was considered a wacko and denied access to a broad audience. Today, anyone can spread…

All This Newfound Cynicism Is Going to Hamper Big Tech

The public no longer gives Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the other tech giants the benefit of…