It’s Time to Make 3D TVs a Thing Again

It's a long shot, but hear us out: The stars are beginning to align for the…

How to Advocate for Data Privacy and Users’ Rights

Want to speak up against Big Tech, unjust data collection, and surveillance? Here's how to be…

You’re Not Stringer Bell, but You May Still Need a Burner Phone

Prepaid phones are looking good as privacy worries peak.

The Best Time to Upgrade Your Graphics Card Is Right Now

In a huge change from the past two years, prices are low and high-end PC graphics…

How to Make Your Musical Magnum Opus on an iPad

From recording to mixing tracks, Apple’s tablet might be all you need to get a song…

Why Watch Content on Your Phone When You Can Watch It on Your TV?

Here’s how to cast correctly—it’s never been easier.

Think Airport Crowds Are Bad Now? Wait ’Til Summer

Increased demand and staffing shortages are already contributing to huge delays and airport logjams across the…

What to Do If You Can’t Log In to Your Google Account

Locked outside your calendar or Gmail? Here's how to get un-stuck—and prevent it from happening in…

How to Take Care of Your Electric Vehicle Battery

We asked a battery expert to answer all your questions about maximizing every charge.

How People Actually Make Money From Cryptocurrencies

Power traders use “staking” and “yield farming” to generate passive income, but there are risks.