Would You Still Use Google if It Didn’t Pay Apple $20 Billion to Get on Your iPhone?

A US judge who will decide Google’s fate in a historic antitrust trial suggested it was…

Google Thinks It Can Cash In on Generative AI. Microsoft Already Has

While both Alphabet and Microsoft boasted strong quarterly earnings, only one tech giant showed that its…

She Painted a Few Champagne Bottles. Then Came Meta’s Customer Support ****

A fashion influencer’s struggles to unblock her Instagram account highlight a long-standing problem with Meta’s lackluster…

Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears

WIRED reviewed edits made by Reddit to its IPO filings over the years ahead of its…

Reddit’s Sale of User Data for AI Training Draws FTC Investigation

The platform says it stands to make more than $200 million in coming years from Google…

Google Used a Black, Deaf Worker to Tout Its Diversity. Now She’s Suing for Discrimination

Jalon Hall was featured on Google’s corporate social media accounts “for making #LifeAtGoogle more inclusive!” She…

Google’s Deal With Stack Overflow Is the Latest Proof That AI Giants Will Pay for Data

Stack Overflow’s programming community will power a version of Google’s Gemini chatbot. It’s part of a…

Google Tweaked Search to Comply With EU Rules. Yelp Says It Makes Results Even More Unfair

Google says its new designs comply with the Digital Markets Act, which bars platforms from favoring…

Reddit’s IPO Filing Is Missing Something: Cofounder Alexis Ohanian

Only one of Reddit’s two cofounders is named in a new filing that puts the company…

This Tiny Website Is Google’s First Line of Defense in the Patent Wars

TDCommons is a free space for inventors to lay claim to breakthroughs without having to file…