The Power and Paradox of Bad Software

The software industry makes amazing tools for itself, while doctors and scientists are stuck with old…

‘Real’ Programming Is an Elitist Myth

When people build a database to manage reading lists or feed their neighbors, that’s coding—and culture.

The Infinite Loop of Supply Chains

They aren't just petroleum and extruders and cargo ships. You and I are part of them…

We Are All Livestreamers Now, and Zoom Is Our Stage

Software tools simulate work. They should really let us put on a show.

Stones, Clocks, and What We Should Actually Leave Behind

Tomorrow has no use for our monuments. It needs our data—and warnings.

How Technology Explodes the Concept of ‘Generations’

Immense changes show us, year after year, that we are basically the same as ever, just…

Why I (Still) Love Tech: In Defense of a Difficult Industry

Technology is just another human creation—like religion or government or sports or money. It's not perfect,…