Plastic recycling is broken. So why does Big Plastic want $1 billion to fix it?

Your takeout container is likely headed to a landfill.

These scientists saw a pandemic coming. Now they’re trying to stop the next one.

'We hope the world is listening.' Inside the effort to prevent another COVID-19.

Michael Moore’s latest film is riddled with errors — and millions are watching

The climate change documentary gets it so, so wrong.

The world is on lockdown. So where are all the carbon emissions coming from?

The air is clear, the roads are clear, and ****** greenhouse gases are stubborn.

The real reason why coronavirus models can get it ‘wrong’

Whether it's pandemics or climate change, models help us avoid the worst.

The government is forcing airlines to fly nearly empty planes to get bailout money

None of the passengers, all the emissions: 'Ghost flights' are taking off all over the U.S.

Amid pandemic, wildfires close in on abandoned Chernobyl nuclear site

The fires have spread through nearby forests, raising columns of smoke that could be contaminated with…

Study: The tiniest bit of air pollution makes COVID-19 more deadly

While Trump lifts curbs on air pollution, researchers connect ***** air with coronavirus deaths.

Coronavirus could cause the first big emissions drop in a decade

Coronavirus cleared the smog in NYC and LA. What about greenhouse gases?

Coronavirus postpones crucial U.N. climate conference

The conference will be held instead in 2021.